
RS-485 Master Unit Multi-drop Controller (English Version)
Model N-410K
Connectable barcode reader SR-600 Series, BL-1300 Series, BL-700 Series, BL-600 Series
Trigger input Rated input 15 to 26.4 VDC, 10 mA max.
Max. OFF current 1.0 mA
RS-485 Number of inputs 1
Connectable communication units NX-50RS, N-R4, N-48, BL-U1
Number of connectable units 31 max.
Total extension length 1.2km or less
Communication speed 600 to 115200 bps
Data bit length 7/8 bits
Stop bit length 1/2 bits
Parity check Even/Odd/None
RS-232C Number of inputs 1
Transmission code ASCII
Applied standard RS-232C compliant
Communication method Start-stop (Full-duplex)
Synchronisation between the transmitter and receiver
Transmission code ASCII
Communication speed 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 bps
Data bit length 7/8 bits
Stop bit length 1/2 bits
Input terminals Number of inputs 1
RS-232C Parity check Even/Odd/None
Input terminals Input format Voltage input
Input maximum rating 26,4 VDC
Minimum ON voltage 15 VDC
Maximum OFF current value 1mA
Rating Power voltage 24 VDC +10 %, -20 %
Current consumption 80 mA or less
Environmental resistance Operating environment No dust or corrosive gas present
Ambient temperature 0 to +55 °C
Relative humidity 35 to 85 % RH (No condensation)
Vibration resistance 10 to 55 Hz, Double amplitude 0.3 mm, 57 to 500 Hz, acceleration: 2 G
Weight Approx. 180 g